5 Financial Podcasts I'm Bingeing in 2022

Christopher Mills
June 15, 2022

Consumption, consumption, consumption.. this seems to be how we do things these days, and escaping the new world of information overload is very difficult. For me, I see it as less about escaping and more about managing the information and how you consume it. I'm a huge fan of YouTube, I love consuming video content but it generally demands eyes and ears. My problem with this is that it fully consumes your concentration and that becomes an issue if you cannot manage it. I found myself listening to YouTube videos rather than watching as I had other things to do. This can be fine at times but, for the most part, I've found that when it comes to something that you need to concentrate on, creators on YouTube produce differently from those on other mediums. What I mean by this is that I find Podcasters move slower and explain more, making it easier to consume without watching whereas with YouTube, not watching isn't as effective because it's made to be watched. So, podcasts fill an important role for me.

Outside of YouTube and podcasts, I've also spent time curating a list of great Instagram creators, which allows me to consume several snippets in a few minutes using video and audio as opposed to YouTube where the average video play time is around 10-12 minutes. This balance between YouTube, podcasts, and Instagram allows me to consume in a more managed way, and take in the information for storage rather than listening for the sake of listening. YouTube from time to time where I can dedicate both my eyes and ears, podcasts when I'm busy and want to listen instead of listening to music, and then Instagram for quick bite-sized chunks.

To be fully transparent, I block out some time every day to watch a video or two on YouTube, this is usually between 20 and 25 minutes, then I listen to a podcast (often 30-40 minutes) whilst I'm working or when I'm in the garden, and for Instagram, I usually watch a handful of videos in the evening. I'm not perfect but I've committed myself to creating these limits and I've found that I'm able to retain information far better.

How do you consume? Leave me a comment in the comments section below 🙂

The Podcasts

Today, I want to share 5 great financial podcasts, that revolve around money, and that I feel are binge-worthy. Before I share them, I would like to say that whether you're new to a YouTube channel or a podcast, you need to approach them with a bit of strategy. The aim is not to start watching from the latest video, you need to take the time to look through the episodes, find the topics that interest you, and watch those. This will keep you interested, and it'll introduce you to the creator. This is really important or you'll probably find yourself being overwhelmed, lost, or not having a great experience.

The Financial Podcasts

Let's get on with this, here are 5 podcasts that I feel are binge-worthy, in no specific order:

The Personal Finance Podcast

Andrew Giancola has been sharing the wins and losses of his personal finance journey since 2013. He owns and runs Dollar After Dollar which explores personal finance, business strategies, income sources, stocks, real estate, and everything in between.

There are so many incredible topics on this podcast, take the time to read through the topics and start like that but be careful to not get overwhelmed by all the options. I enjoyed a recent episode about creating a healthy relationship with money, and an episode on whether you should invest in the top 10 stocks of an index which is a topic I covered on 100mpm too.

We Study Billionaires

Stig Brodersen and Trey Lockerbie run the We Study Billionaires podcast which has more than 85 million downloads! This powerful duo has interviewed financial billionaires such as Warren Buffet, Howard Marks, Bill Gates, and many more. This podcast gives you a look at how these billionaires approach all things investment strategies.

There are some incredible shows, and you'll have to bounce around a bit to see what you enjoy. The typical approach would be to quickly look for interviews with the popular names but I found that I learned more from some of the folks who aren't as media-hyped as the likes of Warren Buffet or Bill Gates. I really enjoyed the podcast with Bill Miller which you can listen to here.

How To Money

How to Money is created by best friends, Joel and Matt. Joel's been in finance for over 15 years, and Matt (and his wife) were desperate to create multiple streams of income in order to have options. Their combination of knowledge and thinking has led them to have their podcasts downloaded more than 25 million times!

This is another podcast that has hundreds of podcasts and will require you to take the time to carefully go through the episodes in search of topics that you're interested in. I don't listen to How to Money as much as some of the other podcasts but it's a great one and if you look on Google, you'll see that it's a highly recommended podcast.

Choose FI

Choose Financial Independence is a community that helps people discover and accelerate their path to financial independence. ChooseFI was founded by Jonathan Mendonsa and Brad Barrett, and backed by Edmund Tee. Jonathan studied to be a pharmacist and found himself with a huge amount of student debt, this spurred him into a passion for personal finance. Brad, on the other hand, worked as a CPA and managed to reach financial independence by the age of 35 through careful investments. Ed, retired from corporate America aged 40 and found a new way of life as a financial coach for first responders and veterans.

ChooseFI is massively popular, look anywhere and it will pop up. With 381 episodes, there are a lot of topics worth listening to. My listening of ChooseFI shows me that this isn't a typical personal finance type podcast (although it sort of is) in the sense that they cover a lot of topics that aren't so specific to the niche. Some great topics, take the time to explore.


David Greene is a former police officer and real estate investor, and Rob was a senior copywriter for the ad industry who quit his job to focus on real estate investing. BiggerPockets is the largest and longest-running podcast that breaks down real estate investing strategies. This includes deep dives, coaching calls, news analysis, and much more.

I'm not a big real estate guy, I own property both locally and abroad, and I understand how it works but I'm more of a share portfolio type guy so BiggerPockets isn't a podcast I listen to too often but the episodes are great so if real estate is interesting to you, this is a fantastic podcast to tune into.

Whilst assembling this list, I came across many other podcasts that I listen to from time to time and tried to decide whether listing a lot would be wise. I decided that listing 5 would be a good bet to avoid the list being overwhelming but please do have a look yourself on Spotify or whichever platform you use to consume podcasts because there are lots in the financial space. We're all different, I've found that the subject matter alone simply isn't enough with podcasts (nor with YouTube for that matter), we need to find creators that speak in a way we like, for example.

If there's a podcast you listen to and feel it's worth sharing, please drop the name in the comments below so that I'm able to take a listen 🙂

Enjoy the bingeing!

Christopher Mills

I run a successful agency, my other passion is personal finance.

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